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Author Title Year Price
ELWES (Henry John) & HENRY (Augustine)
The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland.
1906 £1595.00
ENGLISH (James Lake)
A Manual for the Preservation of the Larger Fungi (Hymenomycetes) in their Natural Condition, by a New and Approved Method; Also of a New Process for the Preservation of Wild Flowers.
1882 £48.00
FORSTER (T[homas] F[urley])
Flora Tonbrigensis; or, a Catalogue of Plants Growing Wild in the Neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, arranged according to the Linnæan system, from Sir James Smith's Flora Britannica.
1816 £230.00
FORSTER (T[homas] F[urley])
Flora Tonbrigensis; or, a Catalogue of Plants Growing Wild in the Neighbourhood of Tonbridge Wells, serving also as a guide to the central flora of Kent and Sussex, arranged according to the Linnæan system, by the late T. F. Forster. With additions by T. Forster.
1842 £175.00
GALPIN (Rev. F. W.)
An Account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns and Allies of Harleston. With a Sketch of the Geology, Climate, and Natural Characteristics of the Neighbourhood. To Which are added Observations on the Birds of the District by Charles Candler.
1888 £35.00
Georgics. English and Latin.
Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
1741 £545.00
GOES (Willem) Editor.
Rei Agrariae. Auctores legesque variae. Quaedam nun primum, caetera emendatiora prodeunt cura Wilelmi Goesii, cuius accedunt Indices, Antiquitates agrariae & Notae: una cum Nicolai Rigaltii Notis & Observationibus, nec non Glossario ejusdem.
1674 £545.00
A Descriptive Catalogue of Upwards of Eleven Hundred Species and Varieties of Herbaceous or Perennial Plants; divided into six columns; Exhibiting at one View, The names, Magnitude, Soil and situation, time of flowering, colour of the Flowers, And Native Country of each Species. To which is added, a list of handy ferns for the decoration of northern borders, and the most ornamental annuals. By John Græfer, Botanic Gardener to the King of Naples.
1794 £750.00
The Fungi of Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club.
1951 £20.00
HALL (T. B.)
A Flora of Liverpool. An Appendix Containing Meteorological Tables and Observations for 1838, by Wilson Armistead.
1838 £20.00
HANHAM (Frederick) Editor.
Natural Illustrations of the British Grasses.
1846 £495.00
HENREY (Blanche)
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800. Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Earliest Times until 1800.
1975 £85.00
HENREY (Blanche)
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800. Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Earliest Times until 1800.
1975 £95.00
Fauna and Flora of Haileybury.
1926 £12.00
HINE (Reginald L.) Editor.
The Natural History of the Hitchin Region.
1934 £25.00
Holmes' Botanical Note Book or practical guide to a knowledge of Botany.
1878 £25.00
HOOKER (William Jackson)
Flora Scotica; or a Description of Scottish Plants, Arranged Both According to the Artificial and Natural Methods.
1821 £200.00
HOOKER (William Jackson)
Musci Exotici; Containing Figures and Descriptions of New or Little Known Foreign Mosses and other Cryptogamic Subjects.
1818 £2200.00
A Sketch of the Geology and Climate of Hertfordshire, with Notes on its Botanical Districts.
1887 £35.00
HOPKINSON (John) Editor.
St. Albans and its Neighbourhood. An account of the topography, geology, hydrology, climate, flora, fauna, and archaeology of the district, with a guide to the Hertfordshire County Museum, by members of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society.
1911 £30.00
HOPKIRK (Thomas)
Flora Glottiana. A Catalogue of the Indigenous Plants on the Banks of the River Clyde, and in the Neighbourhood of the City of Glasgow
1813 £195.00
HOPKIRK (Thomas)
Flora Glottiana. A Catalogue of the Indigenous Plants on the Banks of the River Clyde, and in the Neighbourhood of the City of Glasgow
1813 £150.00
4 Items relating to the Horticultural Society of London. 1. Circular to Nurserymen, etc. Connected with the Horticultural Society of London. [Beginning] Sir, The Garden Committee has deemed it expedient to adopt certain Regulations respecting the distribution of plants, &c. from the Garden of the Society... [etc.] 2. [Request for subscription] Sir, The Council of the Horticultural Society has directed that the enclosed Statement of the plan and objects of a New Garden should be transmitted for your information... [etc.] 3. State of the accounts of the Horticultural Society of London, for the years ending May 1, 1821, and May 1, 1822. 4. A.L.s dated June 22, 1822, from the secretary Joseph Sabine to a Mr. Thomas Gibbs, thanking him for plants and giving very brief observations on them.
1822 £175.00
HULL (John)
Elements of Botany. Illustrated by Sixteen Engravings. Volume I: Introduction to the Sexual System of Linnæus. Botanical Terms and Definitions. Volume II: Characters of the Genera of British Plants. Lectures on the Natural Order.
1800 £295.00
A Catalogue of the Phænogamous Plants of Great Britain, arranged according to the natural orders; with a copious list of Synonyms, carefully compiled from Steudel's Nomenclator Botanicus, Smith's English Flora, Hooker's British Flora, Lindley's Synopsis, Babington's Manual, and other sources. London: H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, Dublin: J. M'Gashan. Redcar & Stokesley: W. Braithwaite, 1848. Bound with:- [BALFOUR (John Hutton)] The Botanist's Vade-Mecum: being A Practical Guide for collecting, Classifying, and examining Plants. With a complete Glossary.
1855 £60.00

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