Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
[GOGUET (Antoine Yves)]
The Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their Progress among the Most Ancient Nations. Volume I. From the Deluge to the Death of Jacob.
1761 |
£85.00 |
Bouleuterion. Or, a Practical Demonstration of County-Judicatures. Wherein is amply explained the Judicial and Ministerial Authority of Sheriffs and Coroners. Together with the Original, Jurisdiction, and Method of keeping all County-Courts. By William Greenwood. Philomath. The Sixth Edition. With the Addition of Divers Resolutions of the Court of Kings-Bench for keeping Inferior Courts within their Just Bounds.
1685 |
£245.00 |
GREG (Robert Hyde)
A Letter to the Right Hon. Henry Labouchere, on the pressure of the Corn Laws and Sliding Scale, more especially upon the Manufacturing Interests and Productive Classes.
1841 |
£70.00 |
GREY (William Henry)
Church Leases; or, The subject of church leasehold property considered, with a view to place it on a firmer basis.
1851 |
£25.00 |
GURNEY (Joseph John)
Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, in Company with Elizabeth Fry; With some General Observations on the subject of Prison Discipline.
1819 |
£125.00 |
GURNEY (Joseph John)
Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England, in Company with Elizabeth Fry; With some General Observations on the subject of Prison Discipline.
1819 |
£95.00 |
GUY (Thomas)
A true copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Guy Esq; late of Lombard-street, bookseller. Containing an account of his publick and private benefactions.
1725 |
£65.00 |
Observations on a Report of Proceedings under a Writ of Enquiry, executed at Woolhampton, On the 30th of April, 1827.
1827 |
£50.00 |
HARMER (James)
Murder of Mr. Steele. Documents and Observation, tending to shew a probability of the innocence of John Holloway and Owen Haggerty, who ere Executed on Monday the 23d of February, 1807, as the Murderers of the above Gentleman.
1807 |
£125.00 |
A Report of the Arguments and Judgment upon the Demurrer, in the case of Henry Edmund Taffe, against the Right Hon. Wm. Downes, Lord Chief Justice of the King's-Bench, in Ireland, in Trinity, Michaelmas, and Hilary Terms, 1812 & 1813, in the Court of Common Pleas, Ireland.
1815 |
£150.00 |
[HATSELL (John)]
Precedents of proceedings in the House of Commons; with observations. Relating to Privilege of Parliament.
1786 |
£145.00 |
Observations upon a Bill, entituled, An Act for taking away, and abolishing the heritable Jurisditions in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for restoring such Jurisdictions to the Crown; for the Administration of Justice throughout that Part of the united Kingdom, by the King's Courts and Judges there; and for the rendering of the Union more complete:......
1747 |
£110.00 |
HEWLETT [(Henry William)]
Reply of Mr. Hewlett to the Observations made by C. P. Cooper, Esq., Secretary to the Record Commission on the Evidence given by Mr. Hewlett, before the select Committee of the House of Commons, on records, in February, 1836.
1837 |
£45.00 |
The Traveller's Guide, and, The Country's Safety. Being a declaration of the laws of England against high-way-men, or robbers upon the road; what is necessary and requisite to be done by such persons as are robbed in order to the recovering their damages; against whom the are to bring their action, and the manner how it ought to be brought. Illustrated with variety of law cases, historical remarks, customs, usages, antiquities and authentick authorities. By J. M.
1683 |
£1650.00 |
HIPPISLEY (Sir John Coxe)
Prison Labour, etc.: Correspondence and Communications addressed to His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, concerning the Introduction of Tread-Mills into Prisons, with other matters connected with the subject of Prison Discipline.
1823 |
£295.00 |
HODGSON (Christopher)
Practical Directions and Suggestions concerning the Voluntary Commutation of Tithes: with the Act of Parliament.
1836 |
£30.00 |
HOLROYD (John Baker, Earl of Sheffield)
Observations on the Impolicy, Abuses, and false Interpretation of the Poor Laws; and on the Reports of the Two Houses of Parliament.
1818 |
£150.00 |
HOOKER (Richard)
The Works of Mr. Richard Hooker, (That Learned and Judicious Divine) in Eight Books of Ecclesiastical Polity, Compleated out of his own Manuscripts; Never before Published. With an account of his Life and Death.
1666 |
£395.00 |
HUNTLEY (George)
An Argument upon a generall Demurrer joyned and entred in an Action of false Imprisonment in the Kings Bench Court termino Trinitatis 1631. rot. 1483. parte tertia, betweene George Huntley Clerke plaintife, and William Kingsley Archdeacon of Canterbury and others Commissioners Defendants, as it was prepared to have beene uttered in Court by the said George Huntley, but was not permitted by the Judges of tha Court because, as they pretend, the action or Plea or Demurrer was discontinued termino Sancti Michaelis. 1632. Published by the said George Huntley to shew whose duty it is to preach the visitation Sermon, and thereby principally to vindicate the auntient Iurisdiction of the Crowne over the State Ecclesiasticall... A discovery also and confutation of the foresaid pretended discontinuance, with a true copy of so much of the two parts of the High Commissioners, first finall sentence, as is pleaded by the Defendants, and as conteines the whole matter to justifie the said Huntleys nine years three quarters imprisonment at severall times, his five hundred pouns fine, deprivation, degredation and excommunication. Both placed before the Argument, the one to remove the foresaid rub of the pretended discontinuance,... the other to shew the state of the controversie... against which the Law admitts no exception.
1642 |
£195.00 |
A Dissertation on the Conduct of the Jewish Sanhedrim, and the advice offered by Gamaliel, in the famous trial of the Apostles, Acts v. 17. - 41. Considered as an argument for the truth of Christianity.
1769 |
£125.00 |
JOHNSON (Cuthbert W.)
Report of the Judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, in the Braintree church-rate case (Gosling v. Veley and Joslin.)
1847 |
£25.00 |
Le court leete et court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn Apprentice in Ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts a scier, & pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie.
1613 |
£495.00 |
KNOWLES (Sir Charles)
The Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the Late Expedition set in a True Light.
1758 |
£225.00 |
At a General Court Martial, held at Dover Castle, on the 16th March 1812... Ensign John Haugh, of the 3rd Royal Lancashire Militia, was arraigned upon the undermentioned Charges... [General order number 238].
1812 |
£75.00 |
An Act for Vesting in Trustees Part of the Estate of Nicholas Fry, Esq; Deceased, for Payment of his Debts.
1715 |
£65.00 |