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Subject List Results

  • Your search produced: 29 results
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Author Title Year Price
STEPHENS (Frederic G.)
Flemish Relics; Architectural, Legendary, and Pictorial, as connected with Public Buildings in Belgium. Illustrated with Photographs by Cundall and Fleming.
1866 £60.00
TAYLOR (Theodore)
Thackeray the Humourist and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life, including a selection from his characteristic speeches, now for the first time gathered together. With photograph from life by Ernest Edwards, B.A.., and original illustrations.
1864 £45.00
TAYLOR (J. Hay) Editor.
The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. Almanac & Annual 1896-7.
1897 £275.00
THOMPSON (Stephen)
Old English Homes: A Summer's Sketch-Book.
1876 £125.00
