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Book Details

MITCHELL (Reuben). Photographic Views in Bolton and Neighbourhood.1868

Bolton: Printed at the Old Post Office, Bradshawgate, by John Booth, First edition, large folio (486 x 375 mm), 2 leaves of letterpress followed 12 albumen prints mounted on individual stiff card tinted mounts (images 195 x 285 mm), each accompanied by a descriptive leaf of letterpress and tissue guards, some occasions spotting but images and text generally very clean, original publishers half morocco, gilt, rebacked, some light water-staining to both boards, protruding to silk moire endpapers, 'Photographic Views' stamped in gilt on upper cover. Mitchell (1810-1895) was a partner for many years in the firm of Jackson & Mitchell, of the Albion Foundry, Bolton. The images depict grand houses, churches and a grammar school in the Bolton area. List of photographs: Smithhills Hall; Turton Tower; Viiew in the Jumbles; Hall I'-Th'-Wood; Old Parish Church; Porch of Old Parish Church; Free Grammar School; Worsley Old Hall; Peel Old Hall; Deane Church; Worsley Hall; Monument To The Late Countess Of Ellesmere. Not in Gernsheim or Grolier Club, The Truthful Lens. JISC locating the the British Library and Manchester Metropolitan University copies only, OCLC adds a single copy at the University of Arizona.

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