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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
Voyages and Travels. Being a Selection of One Thousand Books Relating to all Parts of the World. Catalogue No. 562.
1931 £15.00
WARDEN (William)
Letters written on board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and at Saint Helena; in which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon Buonaparte, and his suite, during the Voyage, and the first months of his Residence in that Island, are faithfully described and related.
1817 £195.00
WILKINSON (John) HILL (Joyce) & RYAN (W. F.)
Jerusalem Pilgrimage 1099-1185.
1988 £25.00
Neuestes Gemälde von Australien, oder Beschreibung der Lage, des Klimas, der Naturprodukte, Landeskultur, merkwürdigsten Städte, Gegenden, Kunstwerke, Ruinen und Denkmäler; dann der Einwohner, deren Lebensart, Kleidung, Handel, Künste, Wissenschaften, Religion und Staatsverfassung.
1843 £75.00
WOOD (Robert)
The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor, in the Desart [sic Desert].
1753 £3200.00
WRIGHT (George)
Through Normandy, a Holiday Ramble. a paper read before the Rotherham Literary & Scientific Society, 8th December, 1873.
1874 £35.00
