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Book Details

WARDEN (William). Letters written on board His Majesty's Ship the Northumberland, and at Saint Helena; in which the Conduct and Conversations of Napoleon Buonaparte, and his suite, during the Voyage, and the first months of his Residence in that Island, are faithfully described and related.1817

Philadelphia: Published by M. Thomas, J. Maxwell, Printer, First American Edition, 12mo, half-title, engraved frontispiece, folding plate, some foxing of the text in places, ix, [2], 12-244 pp., original printed boards, uncut, hinges partly cracked, pieces of the backstrip missing at head and tail, a good copy. Warden (1777-1849) was the surgeon on board the Northumberland, and this volume of Saint Helena reminiscences describes his time on Saint Helena and his frequent visits to Longwood House, Napoleon's exile home. Disapproved of by both the pro- and anti-Napoleonic camps, the work was savaged notably in the anti-Napoleonic "Querterly Review". Amongst the French contingent on Saint Helena, there was much discussion in the spring of 1817, regarding Warden's work, as to and how to reply. A reply was made in the end, first in English and later in French, in the form of the book published anonymously under the title, "Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, in reply to Mr. Warden;......", London, 1817. As to the identity of the anonymous author, many suspected it to be Napoleon, but the letters appear to have been written by Las Cases, (who was at the Cape after being banished from Saint Helena in December 1816), and sent to Lady Clavering ('Lady C.' in the book).

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