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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
A Transport Voyage to the Mauritius and back; touching at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. By the Author of "Paddiana;" "A Hot-Water Cure," etc.
1851 £325.00
The Travels and Adventures of Edward Brown, Esq; Formerly a Merchant of London. Containing His Observations on France and Italy; His Voyage to the Levant; His Account of the Isle of Malta; His Remarks in His Journies thro' the Lower and Upper Egypt; together with a brief Description of the Abyssinian Empire. Interspersed throughout with several curious Historical Passages relating to our own as well as Foreign Nations; as also with Critical Disquisitions as to the present State of Sciences in Egypt, particularly Physic and Chemistry.
1739 £375.00
[Caroline, Queen Consort of George IV, King of Great Britain and Ireland]
Journal of an English Traveller or Memoirs and Anecdotes of an Illustrious Personage: and of Her Court, Correspondence with the Earl of Liverpool, Mr. Whitbread, &c.
1820 £25.00
[CLERKE (Charles)]
A Voyage Round the World, In His Majesty's Ship The Dolphin, Commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron. In which is Contained, a faithful Account of the several Places, People, Plants, Animals, etc. seen on the Voyage: And among other Particulars, A minute and exact Description of the Streights of Magellan, and of the Gigantic People called Patagonians. Together with an accurate Account of Seven Islands lately discovered in the South Seas. By an Officer on Board the said Ship. Printed for J. Newbery and F. Newbery, 1767. Second edition, [4],186pp., without the final advert leaf, engraved frontispiece and a further 2 engraved plates, frontis., and title-page becoming loose, pencil ownership signature to title "Colonel [George Abbas Kooli] D'Arcy of the Falkland Islands". [Bound with:] [BYRON (John)] The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a Late Expedition round the World) Containing An Account of the Great Distresses Suffered by Himself and His Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, From the Year 1740, till their Arrival in England, 1746. With a Description of St. Jago d Chili, and the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. Also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager man of War, One of Admiral Anson's Squadron. Written by Himself, and now First Published.
1768 £1145.00
[KNIGHT (Henry Gally)]
Ilderim: A Syrian Tale. In Four Cantos.
1816 £75.00
Notes of a Trip to Belgium, in 1866, by a Bridgnorth Volunteer. Printed for Private Circulation.
1867 £25.00
A Cruise; or, Three Months on the Continent. By a Naval Officer.
1818 £245.00
[OVINGTON (John)] Translator.
An Historical Account of the Discovery of the Island of Madeira, Abridged from the Portugueze Original. To which is added, an Account of the present State of the Island, in a Letter to a Friend.
1750 £395.00
A New Voyage to the East-Indies in the Years 1690 and 1691. Being a full description of the isles of Maldives, Cocos, Andamants, and the Isle of Ascention; and all the forts and garrisons now in possession of the French, with an account of the customs, manners, and habit of the Indians. By Monsieur Duquesne. To which is added, a new description of the Canary Islands, Cape Verd, Senegal and Gambia, &c. Illustrated with sculptures, together with a new map of the Indies, and another of the Canaries. Done into English from the Paris edition.
1696 £1650.00
[PUSELEY (Daniel)]
The Rise and Progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. In which will be found a colonial directory; increase and habits of population; tables of revenue and expenditure. gathered from authentic sources, official documents, and personal observation in each of the colonies, cities and provinces enumerated. By an Englishman. (5th thousand.)
1857 £50.00
[SAINTE-MARIE, Count at Dhow]
Algeria in 1845. A Visit to the French Possessions in Africa. [Translated by Thomasina Ross].
1846 £75.00
[VASON (George)]
An Authentic Narrative of four years' residence at Tongataboo, one of the Friendly Islands, in the South-Sea, By ------ who went thither in the Duff, under Captain Wilson, in 1796. With an Appendix, by an eminent writer.
1810 £275.00
[VIVIAN (John Henry)]
Extracts of notes taken in the course of a Tour on the continent of Europe, in the years 1814 and 1815, principally relating to a visit to the island of Elba and a conversation held with Napoleon Bonaparte, during his residence there.
1822 £295.00
[WELLESLEY (Richard Colley, Marquis)]
Notes Relative to the late Transactions in the Marhatta Empire. Fort William, December 15, 1803.
1804 £595.00
ANDREWS (Kenneth R.)
English Privateering Voyages to the West Indies 1588-1595. Documents relating to English voyages to the West Indies, from the defeat of the Armada to the last voyage of Sir Francis Drake, including Spanish documents contributed by Irene A. Wright.
1959 £35.00
ARASARATNAM (Sinnappah) Editor.
Francois Valentijn's Description of Ceylon.
1978 £15.00
The History of the Island of Minorca. Illustrated with a Correct Map of the Island.
1756 £595.00
ATABEY (Sefik E.)
The Ottoman World. A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Ottoman Empire and Levant, by Leonora Navari.
1999 £450.00
ATABEY (Sefik E.)
The Ottoman World: The Library of Sefik E. Atabey with a Supplement.
2002 £110.00
AULNOY (Maie Catherine de la Mothe)
Relation du Voyage d'Espagne.
1692 £95.00
BACKHOUSE (James) and TAYLOR (Charles)
The Life and Labours of George Washington Walker, of Hobart Town, Tasmania.
1862 £95.00
BAIN (J. Arthur)
Life and Explorations of Fridtjof Nansen.
1897 £35.00
Port of Basrah. Port Rules & By-Laws, 1936. And Quarantine Regulations No. 54 of 1935. Any Person convicted of having wilfully or wrongfully committed a breach of any Port Rule or By-Law made by the Port Director.... shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding I.D. 112/500 or three months imprisonment or both. The attention of Masters of Oil Tank Vessels is specially drawn to Parts X1 & X1V.
1936 £125.00
BEATSON (Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander)
A View of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun; Comprising a Narrative of the Operations of the Army under the Command of Lieutenant-General George Harris, and of the Siege of Seringapatam.
1800 £1795.00
BLACK (William)
Reflections on the Relics of Ancient Grandeur, and the Pleasing Retirements in South Wales. In Letters Addressed to his Friend at Edinburgh.
1823 £45.00
