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Author Title Year Price
Dissertatio physica, inauguralis, de pubertate. Quam, annuente summo numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S. S. T. P. academiae Edinburgenae praefecti: nec non Amplissimi senatus academici consensu, Et nobilissimae Facultatis Medicae decreto; pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Thomas Miller, Scoto-Britannus, Societatis Physicae Socius Honorarius et Praeses Annuus; nec non Societatis Regiae Medicae Edinensis Socius Extraordinarius. Ad diem 25. Junii, hora locoque solitis.
1781 £35.00
RAMADGE (Francis H.)
The Curability of Consumption: being the reprint of a series of papers, presenting the most prominent and important practical points in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the disease.
1856 £20.00
RAWLINS (Henry Armstrong)
On the Cause and Treatment of Phthisis.
1883 £38.00
RAYER (Pierre François Olive)
Traité des maladies des reins et des altérations de la sécrétion urinaire : etudiées en elles-mêmes et dans leurs rapports avec les maladies des uretères...
1839 £165.00
Considerations sur les Polypes du Rectum chez les Enfants et chez les Adultes. [Reprinted from 'Journal de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques', 1869.]
1869 £20.00
REITH (Archibald)
On the Therapeutical Action of Medicines in Dilated Conditions of the Blood Vessels. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal for February 1868.]
1868 £38.00
Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de rheumatismo acuto: quam, annuente summo numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti; Nec non Amplissimi senatus academici consensu, Et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto; pro gradu doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Carolus Angier, Anglus, Societ. Chirurg. Obstet. Praes. Ann. et Soc. Ext. Nec non Societ. Hibern. Med. Praes. Ann. et Soc. Ext. Ad diem 24 Junii, hora locoque solitis.
1791 £45.00
RITCHIE (Charles)
Clinical Contributions to the Investigation and Treatment of General Disease: Being Extension of an Introductory Lecture.
1851 £30.00
ROBERTSON (John Argyll)
A Probationary Essay on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye. Submitted,... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,...
1822 £48.00
A Practical Treatise on the Human Teeth: showing the Causes of their Destruction, and the Means of their Preservation.
1839 £110.00
The Power of the Will. A Lecture given at the Working Men and Women's College, Queen's Square, London, W.C.
1889 £30.00
ROSE (Geo. W.)
Vulcanite in Dentistry.
1915 £25.00
Considérations sur le Développement et la Conservation des Dents et quelques mots a propos de leaurs Maladies et de leur Prothèse.
1861 £95.00
ROY (Charles Smart)
Report on the Pathological History of Epizootic Pleuropneumonia.
1879 £45.00
Address of the Royal Jennerian Society, for the Extermination of the Small-Pox, with the plan, regulations, and instructions for vaccine inoculation. : To which is added a list of the subscribers.
1803 £110.00
Regulations of the Medical Society, Instituted at Edinburgh in the Year M,DCC,XXXVII.
1775 £275.00
RUETHER (Gerhard)
Die Lokale Anaesthesie. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde bei der medizinischen Fakultät zu Bonn eingericht und mit Thesen am 14. August 1868 vertheidigt von Gerhard Ruether. Namen der Opponenten: Heinr. Damman, Dr. med. Wilh. Mayweg, Dr. med. Albr. Erlenmeyer, stud. med.
1868 £65.00
RUSPINI (Bartholomew) Editor.
A Concise Relation of the Effects of an Extraordinary Styptic, lately discovered in a Series of Letters, from several Gentlemen of the Faculty and from the Patients, to Barth. Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales.
1787 £595.00
Observations on the Testicles.
1833 £65.00
A Probationary Essay on Emphysema; Submitted... to the examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...
1823 £22.00
Trephining for the Relief of Epileptiform Attacks, Occurring after Injury to the Head.
1855 £28.00
British Anatomy 1525-1800: A Bibliography.
1963 £25.00
RUSSELL (William)
A Case of Acute Ferid Empyema Treated Successfully. [Reprinted from "Glasgow Medical Journal" for September, 1883.]
1883 £15.00
RYMER (James)
Cholera Morbus; its first symptoms clearly pointed out, and its dangerous effects fully prevented... together with Dr. Sydenham's account of the cholera morbus, which raged in England, in the year 1669.
1831 £30.00
Thérapeutique Respiratoire. Instruction sur l'instrument pulverisateur des liquides médicamenteux, ses applications au traitement des maladies de poitrine et la manière de s'en servir, par M. le Dr Sales-Girons...
1861 £245.00

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