Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
DOHENY (Estelle)
The Estelle Doheny Collection from The Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California.
1987 |
£95.00 |
DUFF (E. Gordon)
English Fifteenth Century Broadsides. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, December 16, 1907.
1909 |
£30.00 |
DUFF (E. Gordon)
Fifteenth Century English Books. A Bibliography of Books and Documents Printed in England and of Books for the English Market Printed Abroad.
1917 |
£45.00 |
DUFF (E. Gordon)
Fifteenth Century English Books. A Bibliography of Books and Documents Printed in England and of Books for the English Market Printed Abroad.
1964 |
£18.00 |
ESSLING (Prince Andre Prosper Massena)
Les Livres a Figures Venitiens: Études sur l'art de la Gravure sur bois a Venise... de la fin du XV Siecle et du Commencement du XVI.
1907 |
£220.00 |
ESSLING (Prince d')
Le Premier Livre Xylographique Italien Imprimé à Venise vers 1450.
1903 |
£18.00 |
Lucians Esel in Niclas von Wyles Verdeutschung aus der Offizin von Ludwig Hohenwang in Augsburg ca. 1477. With a Foreword by Dr. Ernst Weil.
1922 |
£45.00 |
FARMER (John S.) Editor.
Hickscorner [c. 1497-1512]. The Tudor Facsimile Texts.
1908 |
£75.00 |
FISCH (Max H.)
Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494. With a Critical Text of his Guaiac Tract Edited with a Translation by Dorothy M. Schullian.
1947 |
£50.00 |
Bibliografia Mexicana del Siglo XVI. Catalogo Razonado de Libros Impressos en Mexico de 1539 a 1600... Precedido de una Noticia Acerca de la Introduccion de la Imprenta en Mexico. Nueva Edicion, por Agustin Millares Carlo.
1954 |
£65.00 |
Hieronymus Muenzer and Other Fifteenth Century Bibliophiles. Reprinted from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.
1938 |
£10.00 |
Hieronymus Muenzer and Other Fifteenth Century Bibliophiles. Reprinted from Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.
1938 |
£10.00 |
Johannes Gutenbergs zweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel. Ergänzungsband zur Faksimile-Ausgabe.
1923 |
£125.00 |
HAEBLER (Konrad)
The Early Printers of Spain and Portugal.
1897 |
£26.00 |
HAEBLER (Konrad)
Spanische und Portugiesische Bücherzeichen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts.
1898 |
£145.00 |
HAIN (Ludwig) COPINGER (W. A.) & REICHLING (Dietericus)
Repertorium Bibliographicum, in que Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographical Inventa Usque ad Annum MD, Typis Expressis Ordine Alphabetico vel Simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur... [Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicum...]
1948 |
£295.00 |
HAIN (L.F.T.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in que Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographical Inventa Usque ad Annum MD, Typis Expressis Ordine Alphabetico vel Simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur. New York. 2001. 4 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] COPINGER (W.A.) Supplement to Hain... and Index by Konrad Burger. New York. 2002. 3 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] REICHLING (Dietericus) Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...
1905 |
£325.00 |
HARTMANN (Schedel)
Schedelsche Weltchronik 1493. Buch der Croniken und geschichten mit figure und pildnussen von anbegin der welt bis auf dise unsere Zeit. Reprint der Ausgabe Nürnberg, Koberger 1493.
1965 |
£95.00 |
HASSLER (Konrad Dieterich)
Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's...
1840 |
£15.00 |
HAWKINS (Rush C.) POLLARD (Alfred W.) Compiler.
Catalogue of Books Mostly from the Presses of the First Printers Showing the Progress of Printing with Movable Metal Types Through the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, Catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard and Deposited in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Island.
1910 |
£60.00 |
HEBER (Richard)
Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of the Late Richard Heber, Esq... Removed from his House in York-Street, Westminster, Which Will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Sotheby and Son [Evans; Wheatley]...
1834 |
£2750.00 |
HEBER (Richard)
Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of the Late Richard Heber, Esq... Removed from his House in York-Street, Westminster, Which Will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. Sotheby and Son [Evans; Wheatley]...
1834 |
£1945.00 |
HELLER (Joseph)
Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst von den ältesten bis auf des neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwei Beilagen, enthaltend den Ursprung der Spielfarten and en Berzeichniß der sämmtlichen xylographischen Werke.
1823 |
£135.00 |
Printing in England in the Fifteenth Century. E. Gordon Duff's Bibliography with supplementary descriptions, chronologies and census of copies.
2009 |
£25.00 |
HELLINGA (Wytze and Lotte) Editors.
Henry Bradshaw's Correspondence on Incunabula with J.W. Holtrop and M.F.A.G. Campbell.
1966 |
£20.00 |