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Book Details

HAIN-COPINGER-BURGER-REICHLING.. HAIN (L.F.T.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, in que Libri Omnes ab Arte Typographical Inventa Usque ad Annum MD, Typis Expressis Ordine Alphabetico vel Simpliciter Enumerantur vel Adcuratius Recensentur. New York. 2001. 4 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] COPINGER (W.A.) Supplement to Hain... and Index by Konrad Burger. New York. 2002. 3 Vols., orig. cloth. [Sold with:] REICHLING (Dietericus) Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorivm Bibliographicvm...1905

Iac. Rosenthal, Monachii. 7 Parts, Orig. printed wrappers. This work is the basic bibliography to which anyone working on fifteenth-century books refers or is referred to. The work includes a very remarkable 'Index to the Printers and Publishers of the Fifteenth Century, with a List of their Works' compiled by Herr Konrad Burger.

Stock #22194

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