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Subject List Results

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Author Title Year Price
OWEN (Thomas) Translator.
The Fourteen Books of Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, on Agriculture.
1807 £110.00
The Experienced Farmer, an entire new work, in which the whole system of agriculture, husbandry and breeding of cattle is explained and copiously enlarged upon : and the best methods, with the most recent improvements pointed out.
1798 £395.00
A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving ; in which the question of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and experience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally ; containing profitable instructions to the breeding farmer, cowkeeper, and grazier ; for attending to their own cattle during illness, according to the most approved modern methods of treatment, and the application of long known and skilful prescriptions and remedies for every disorder incident to hirned cattle, the whole adapted to the present improved state of vetertinary practice.
1829 £475.00
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 £375.00
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 £345.00
SYLVAN (Agricola) Editor.
The Farmer's Magazine, and Useful Family Companion. Consisting of Practical Essays, Dissertations, and Remarks, on the Different Branches of Husbandry, Including a great Variety of Modern Improvements; A Miscellaneous Collection of Valuable Family Receipts, Recommended from Experience; Useful Hints and curious Observations from the Philosophical Transactions...
1776 £950.00
TROWELL (Samuel) & ELLIS (William)
The Farmer's Instructor; or, the Husbandman and Gardener's Useful and Necessary Companion. Being a new treatise of husbandry, gardening, and other curious matters relating to country affairs. Containing A Plain and Practical Method of improving all Sorts of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, &c. and making them produce greater Crops of all Kinds, and at much less than the present Expence. Giving an Account how poor Land, not worth above 5 s. an Acre, may be made to bear as good Crops of Grain, Grass, &c. as the richest, at the most reasonable Expence, by a new Manure, and the Use of a New Invented Excellent Four-Wheel-Drill-Plough, and Horse-Break, both so light, that a Man may easily draw either of them, which are here exhibited, and the Uses and Manner of working them fully explained. Also, The Seedsman's Monthly Kalendar, shewing the best and most easy Method for raising and cultivating every Sort of Seed belonging to a Kitchen and Flower-Garden, with necessary Instructions for sowing of Berries, Masts and Seeds, Ever-Greens, Forest-Trees, and such as are proper for improving of Land. With many New, Useful, and Curious Improvements, never before Published. First begun by Samuel Trowell, Gent. and now compleated with a Supplement to every Chapter on Husbandry; by William Ellis, Farmer, At Little Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire.
1750 £275.00
TULL (Jethro)
The Horse-Hoing Husbandry: or, an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-fields, in order to increase their product, and diminish the common expence; by the use of instruments described in cuts. [Bound with:] A Supplement to the Essay on Horse-Hoing Husbandry...
1733 £675.00
VARLO (Charles)
The Floating Ideas of Nature, suited to the philosopher, farmer, and mechanic, and adapted to the present times of scarcity, in order to create plenty, By introducing several new Rops, and their Management. The First Volume treats chiefly on Agriculture: viz. On raising Indian-Corn, which may be brought to Perfection in England. On Siberian Wheat, and its Management. On Dibbling Wheat, invented by the Editor, and which clears 2l. 10s. per Acre above the common Method. How to stock and manage 150 Acres Farm, so as to clear 400l. a Year. On a general Act to inclose Commons, &c. How to improve them by Crops that will pay the Expence. How to manage Horses in Stables without Litter, as practised in America. On a Dog Act, and what it would bring into the Funds. The 2d Volume treats on various Subjects, viz. Natural Philosophy, Creation, Religion, &c. &c.
1796 £225.00
VARRO (Marcus Terentius), OWEN (Rev. Thomas) Translator.
The Three Books of M. Terentius Varro concerning Agriculture. Translated by the Rev. T. Owen.
1800 £125.00
A Compleat System of Husbandry and Gardening; or, the Gentleman's Companion, in the Business and Pleasures of a Country Life. Shewing, I. The Several New and most Advantagious Ways of Tilling, Planting, Sowing, Manuring, Ordering, and Improving of all sorts of Gardens, Orchards, Meadows, Pastures, Corn-Lands, Woods, and Coppices. As also of Fruits; Corn, Grain, Pulse, New-Hays, Cattle, Fowl, Beasts, Bees, Silk-Worms, Fish, and Fish-Ponds. II. The Husbandman's Monthly Directions. Also the Prognosticks of Dearth, Scarcity, Plenty, Sickness, Heat, Cold, Frost, Snow, Winds, Rain, Hail, and Thunder. III. The Interpretation of Rustick Terms. With an account of the several Instruments and Engines used in this Profession, and exact Draughts thereof curiously Engraven on Copper. The whole collected from, and containing what is most valuable in all the books hitherto written upon this subject; with many New Experiments and Observations.
1716 £245.00
The Science of Good Husbandry: or, the Oeconomics of Xenophon. Shewing the method of ruling and ordering a family, and of managing a farm to the best advantage. Translated from the Greek by R. Bradley, F.R.S. and Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge.
1727 £195.00
