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Author Title Year Price
An Essay on Agriculture; containing an introduction, in which the science of agriculture is pointed out, by a careful attention to the works of nature; also, the means of rendering barren soils luxuriantly productive, at a very moderate expense, and of beneficially employing the industrious and un-occupied poor. To which is added, A memoir, drawn up, at the express desire of His Imperial Highness the Arch-Duke John of Austria, on the nature and nutritive qualities of fiorin grass, with practical remarks on its abundant properties, and the best mode of cultivating that extraordinary vegetable.
1818 £85.00
Letter to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. from John Robinson, Esq. Surveyer-General of Woods and Forests.
1794 £50.00
RUFFIN (Edmund)
An Essay on Calcareous Manures.
1832 £40.00
SCOTT (John)
Farm Roads, Fences, and Gates: a practical treatise on the roads, tramways, and waterways of the farm ; the principles of enclosures ; and the different kinds of fences, gates, and stiles.
1918 £25.00
Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; Constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
1791 £145.00
Address to the Society for the Improvement of British Wool; constituted at Edinburgh, on Monday, January 31, 1791.
1791 £145.00
The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire.
1790 £495.00
The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. Containing an account of the public income and expenditure from the remotest periods recorded in history, to Michaelmas 1802 : with a review of the financial administration of the Right Honorable William Pitt.
1803 £275.00
A Practical Treatise on the Breeding Cow, and extraction of the calf, before and at the time of calving ; in which the question of difficult parturition is considered in all its bearings, with reference to facts and experience; including observations on the diseases of neat cattle generally ; containing profitable instructions to the breeding farmer, cowkeeper, and grazier ; for attending to their own cattle during illness, according to the most approved modern methods of treatment, and the application of long known and skilful prescriptions and remedies for every disorder incident to hirned cattle, the whole adapted to the present improved state of vetertinary practice.
1829 £475.00
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 £375.00
SMALL (James)
A Treatise on Ploughs and Wheel Carriages, illustrated by Plates, by James Small and Cart Wright, formerly at Blackadder-Mount, now at Rose-Bank, near Foord, Mid Lothian.
1784 £345.00
SMITH (James)
Remarks on Thorough Draining and Deep Ploughing. Extracted from the third report of Drummonds' Agricultural Museum.
1840 £45.00
SMITH (John)
An Essay on he Advantages of Watering Pasture and Meadow Grounds, in the Highlands. Published by the Highland Society of Scotland; who adjudged to the author the highest premium they had offered for essays on the subject.
1792 £85.00
SMITH (John)
Chronicon Rusticum-Commerciale; or, Memoirs of Wool, &c. &c. Being a collection of history and argument, concerning the woolen manufacture and woolen trade in general, particularly, the rise, progress, improvements, declensions, revolutions, and the respective causes thereof (with a view of the different prices of wool, at certain distant periods) in England...
1747 £395.00
SMITH (Robert)
Universal Directory for taking alive and destroying Rats, and all other Kinds of four-footed and winged Vermin, in a Method hitherto unattempted: calculated for the Use of the Gentleman, the Farmer, and the Warrener.
1772 £245.00
Outlines of the Fifteenth Chapter of the Proposed General Report from the Board of Agriculture. On the Subject of Manures.
1795 £75.00
Lines Written on the Barley Corn.
1815 £35.00
SPEECHLY (William)
Practical Hints in Domestic Rural Economy, relating particularly to the utility, formation, and management of fruit, kitchen, & cottage gardens, and orchards: arranged in sections, as proposed by the honourable The Board of Agriculture: with copious illustrative notes; and an appendix, containing several original agricultural essays.
1820 £275.00
General View of the Agriculture of Surrey. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1813 £165.00
STICKNEY (William)
Observations respecting the Grub: A Paper read to the Holderness Agricultural Society, by William Stickney, of Bridgemont, in Holderness; and published by the Society.
1808 £110.00
STONE (Thomas)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford; with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
1794 £60.00
View of the Agriculture of East-Riding of Yorkshire; Published by Order of the Board of Agriculture.
1812 £110.00
SYLVAN (Agricola) Editor.
The Farmer's Magazine, and Useful Family Companion. Consisting of Practical Essays, Dissertations, and Remarks, on the Different Branches of Husbandry, Including a great Variety of Modern Improvements; A Miscellaneous Collection of Valuable Family Receipts, Recommended from Experience; Useful Hints and curious Observations from the Philosophical Transactions...
1776 £950.00
THOMSON (Robert Dundas)
Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals. and the Fattening of Cattle.
1846 £85.00
TROWELL (Samuel) & ELLIS (William)
The Farmer's Instructor; or, the Husbandman and Gardener's Useful and Necessary Companion. Being a new treatise of husbandry, gardening, and other curious matters relating to country affairs. Containing A Plain and Practical Method of improving all Sorts of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, &c. and making them produce greater Crops of all Kinds, and at much less than the present Expence. Giving an Account how poor Land, not worth above 5 s. an Acre, may be made to bear as good Crops of Grain, Grass, &c. as the richest, at the most reasonable Expence, by a new Manure, and the Use of a New Invented Excellent Four-Wheel-Drill-Plough, and Horse-Break, both so light, that a Man may easily draw either of them, which are here exhibited, and the Uses and Manner of working them fully explained. Also, The Seedsman's Monthly Kalendar, shewing the best and most easy Method for raising and cultivating every Sort of Seed belonging to a Kitchen and Flower-Garden, with necessary Instructions for sowing of Berries, Masts and Seeds, Ever-Greens, Forest-Trees, and such as are proper for improving of Land. With many New, Useful, and Curious Improvements, never before Published. First begun by Samuel Trowell, Gent. and now compleated with a Supplement to every Chapter on Husbandry; by William Ellis, Farmer, At Little Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire.
1750 £275.00

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