Author |
Title |
Year |
Price |
Agricultural Distress. An address to the nobility and landed proprietors of Great Britain and Ireland, by a London merchant; on the distressed state of the agricultural population and the baneful effects of absenteeism: in which the benefits arising from small allotments of land being let to the labouring and industrious poor, bestowing upon them permanent and lasting comforts, are displayed, as exhibited on the estates of Sir Gerard Noel Noel, Bart., M.P. for Rutlandshire, under the direction and superintendence of Richard Westbrook Baker, Esq., of Cottesmore : to which is added an appendix, showing the progress made in the small allotment system, in copious extracts from facts and illustrations of the Labourers' Friend Society, patronized by Their Majesties.
1834 |
£195.00 |
To be Sold by Auction, for Ready Money, By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias directed to the Sheriff of Northumberland, (Mr. D. Busby, Auctioneer), at the Firth Farm, near Alnwick, on Monday, January the 16th, 1832, all the Farming Stock and Implements of Husbandry, Belonging to Mr. Robert Swan...
1832 |
£45.00 |
AMOS (William)
The Theory and Practice of the Drill-Husbandry; Founded upon Philosophical Principles, and confirmed by Experience... Illustrated with exact Drawings of all the Respective Parts, and a Perspective View of each Machine Complete.
1794 |
£425.00 |
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland; with observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1813 |
£95.00 |
General View of the County of Durham, with Observations on the Means of its Improvements, Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1810. xiv, [2], 412pp., hand-coloured folding map frontispiece, 7 numbered engraved plates (5 folding), and 2 additional engraved plates, text and plates age-toned. [Bound with:] BAILEY (John) & CULLEY (G.) General View of the Agriculture of the County of Northumberland...
1813 |
£195.00 |
BAILEY (John) & CULLEY (George)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cumberland. with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
1794 |
£75.00 |
Observations on the influence of Soil and Climate upon Wool; from which is deduced, a Certain and Easy Method of improving the quality of English Clothing Wools, and preserving the Health of Sheep; with Hints for the Management of Sheep after shearing...
1814 |
£75.00 |
BARRON (William)
An Essay of the Mechanical Principles of the Plough.
1774 |
£175.00 |
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1808 |
£165.00 |
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Bedford. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1808 |
£120.00 |
[BAYLEY (Thomas B.)]
Thoughts on the Necessity and Advantages of Care and Economy in Collecting and Preserving Different Substances for Manure. (Addressed to the Members of the Agriculture Society of Manchester.) Likewise, the Report of the Committee of the Board of Agriculture, respecting Mr. Elkington's Mode of Draining, Etc. Manchester: Printed at C. Nicholson and Co. 1795. 16pp. [Bound with:] Extracts from a Letter from Charles Townley, Esq. of Townley, to Thomas B. Bayley. Dated Townley, Oct. 7th, 1795.
1795 |
£95.00 |
BELL (F. Dillon) and YOUNG (Frederick jun.)
Reasons for promoting the cultivation of the New Zealand Flax.
1842 |
£50.00 |
The Relative Importance of Agriculture and Foreign Trade.
1827 |
£95.00 |
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Somerset, With observations on the means of its improvement. Drawn up in the tear 1795, for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1798 |
£125.00 |
[BIRNIE (Moses)]
A Series of Experiments in Agriculture, with a view to ascertain the comparative value of a great variety of manures, and their relative effects on grain, green and grass crops, made on new land during eight successive seasons, or from 1821 to 1828, inclusive : also, experiments to ascertain the effects, strength and duration of the more common kinds of manure. Together with remarks upon, and a new, simple, and decisive remedy proposed for, that great destroyer, the turnip-fly.
1829 |
£75.00 |
BLACK (James)
Observations on the Tillage of the Earth, and on the Theory of Instruments Adapted to this End.
1787 |
£675.00 |
BLACKER (William)
An Essay of the Improvement to be made in the Cultivation of Small Farms by the Introduction of Green Crops, and Housefeeding the Stock thereon...
1837 |
£50.00 |
Additional Appendix to the Outlines of the Fifteenth Chapter of the Proposed General Report from the Board of Agriculture.
1796 |
£75.00 |
Traité des Constructions Rurales et de Leur Disposition...
1860 |
£225.00 |
BRAMSTON (Thomas Gardiner)
A Practical Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of the present Agricultural Distress, and the means of relieving it.
1822 |
£65.00 |
BROWN (Robert)
General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement.
1799 |
£110.00 |
BROWN (Robert)
General View of the Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Surveyed by Messrs Rennie, Brown, & Shirreff, 1793. With Observations on the Means of its Improvement, and Additional Information since received. Drawn up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. London:1799.
1799 |
£110.00 |
BROWN (Thomas)
General View of the Agriculture of the County of Derby, with Observations on the Means of Improvement.
1794 |
£110.00 |
CATO (Marcus Porcius) and others.
Methodus Rustica Catonis atq. Varronis. Praeceptis aphoristicis per Locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zwingero typice delineata & illustrata.
1576 |
£575.00 |
CHAMBERS (Ephraim)
[Cyclopaedia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences...]
1788 |
£650.00 |