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Book Details

BARRON (William). An Essay of the Mechanical Principles of the Plough.1774

Edinburgh, Printed for J. Balfour, First edition, small 4to (190 x 125 mm), [5], 6-55, [1]pp., with an errata slip pasted to the verso of sig. A2, one folding engraved plate, title a little soiled, corners slightly chipped, later green cloth. "This is a theoretical description of the way ploughs operate and their mechanical principles. The author pleads for lighter ploughs, and is antagonistic to the wheel plough because it gives uneven depth."—Fussell. Provenance: The Lawes Agriculture Library, Rothamsted Research Institute. Rothamsted, p.18; Not in Perkins; Fussell II, p.98.

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