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Book Details

[KING (William). The Dreamer.1754

London: Printed for W. Owens, First edition, 8vo, [4], 240, xxviii, 14, [2]pp., with the 14 page 'Advertisement by the Bookseller', followed by 2 lines of errata, publisher's advertisement leaf at end, no front fly-leaf, with the bookplate of Bath Public Reference Library, some unobtrusive blind stamps on a few blank margins, contemporary calf, hinges beginning to crack, but a good clean copy. First appearance in print of Jonathan Swift's poem The Answer. Swift's poem The Answer [to Paulus, by Mr. L-----y] was first printed here on pp. 81-9 as a foot note, introduced as follows: 'This Passage in my Dream may be illustrated by a poem of Dr. Swift's, which hath been communicated to me by a particular friend.' Teerink, 1623; Rothschild, 1302.

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