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Book Details

NEWCASTLE (Seventh Duke of). The Clumber Library. Catalogue of the Magnificent Library, the Property of the Late Seventh Duke of Newcastle Removed from Clumber, Worksop, and Sold by Order of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lincoln. The First [-Fourth] Portion. Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs Sotheby & Co... on Monday, the 21st June, 1937 [-1938].1937

Sotheby & Co. 4 Vols., 4to, 11 coloured plates, 97 monochrome (some folding), printed wrappers, upper cover of the first part detached, 1412 lots. The preface notes that "The books and manuscripts from Clumber, the most important to appear at auction in this country since the Holford sales nearly ten years ago, are probably less well known to collectors than any library of similar consequence." The fourth Duke of Newcastle (1785-1851) apparently was principally responsible for the formation of the library, which included a First Folio. Lot 1 was the prize of the sale: the Hours of Isabel of Brittany, otherwise known as the Lamoignon Hours. The collection's three Caxtons (lot 10-12) included a fine copy of 'Reynard the Fox'. Symour de Ricci provided a handlist of the manuscripts in the collection, which was used by Sotheby's in their preparation of the catalogue. From the library of Pierre Berès.

Stock #36930

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