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Book Details

NUMISMATICS LIBRARY.. Die Numismatische Bibliothek der Münzen und Medaillen ag Basel. Katalog zur 102. Auktion 23.-24. Juni 2005.2005

Fritz Rudolf Künker Münzenhandlung, Osnabrück. Small 4to, 300pp., illustrs., in the text, orig. printed stiff wrappers. The numismatic reference library of Münzen und Medaillen (M.u.M.) of Basel is the most significant ever to come under the hammer. That this library, comprising some 3,589 lots, should have been dispersed is a scholarly tragedy and great efforts were made to keep it together but the necessary money was not available. However, Messrs Künker did not let the numismatic community down, this is a mighty useful bibliography. The massive work is extensively indexed, with one index for the authors' names and a further one of locations.

Stock #36817

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