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Book Details

[CALLIÈRES (François de)]. The Knowledge of the World, and the Attainments Useful in the Conduct of Life. Translated from the French of Monsieur Callieres, Secretary of the Cabinet to Lewis XIV. one of the Forty Members of the Academy, and Minster Plenipotentiary at the Peace of Ryswick.1770

London: Printed for the Translator, and sold by R. Baldwyn, First edition, 12mo (165 x 100 mm), [6], xviii,179,[1]pp., with half-title, cont. calf, rubbed, rebacked. A rare translation, and first English edition, of Callière's De la science du monde et des connaissances utiles à la conduite de la vie, published in 1717. ESTC locates 2 copies in the UK (BL & National Library of Wales) and just the Boston Public Library copy in North America.

Stock #36753

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