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Book Details

BROOKES (Samuel). An Introduction to the Study of Conchology: Including Observations on the Linnaean Genera, and on the Arrangement of M. Lamarck; a Glossary, and a Table of English Names.1815

London: Printed for John and Arthur Arch, First edition, 4to (310 x 225 mm), vii, [1], 164pp., 9 fine hand-coloured engravings plates depicting 128 species of shells, 2 further engraved plates, 2 presentation inscriptions in ink on front-free endpaper, blank upper corner of final leaf repaired, marbled endpapers, contemporary diced russia, rubbed, rebacked, spine gilt. A wide margin copy with the plates clean and beautifully hand-coloured. Nissen, 599.

Stock #36722

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