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Book Details

MINIATURE BOOK. [TAYLOR (Peter)]. The Paper-Making Rhyme.1976

Santa Cruz: The Good Book Press, 16mo (74 x 48 mm), 32pp., limited to 150 copies, this being no. 83, printed on purple paper, 5 paper samples tipped-in, 8 illustrs., orig. purple boards, paper sample pasted within recess on upper board, a fine copy. The Paper-Making Rhyme changes the well-known "Peter Piper" rhyme to "Peter Papermaker made a piece of purple paper..." etc, and includes five tipped-in paper samples: bird of paradise; new zealand flax; cotton; abaca; lawn clippings. "This book has been printed by letterpress and photocopying on Peter's handmade paper, using photographs taken in 1976 at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire."—Colophon.

Stock #36289

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