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Book Details

MIDDLE HILL PRESS.. The Case of Colonel Barwick's Will, & Codicill.1841

[Middle Hill: Middle Hill Press, Folio (340 x 215 mm), 4pp., caption-title, disbound. The Will of Colonel Barwick who lived in Barbados in the 17th century. Barwick sent his daughter to be educated in England and his Will provided her with a sum of money upon marriage with further sums to be paid on the birth of any children. "All the rest of my Landes, and Negroes, Goods' and Chattles, Rightes, and Credites,, I give to my Son, Samuel Barwick...". Shortly after making this Will in 1673 he moved to Bermuda where he made a codicill which greatly complicated matters. Holzenberg 74.

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