Book Details
LONDON.. London's Account: or, A Calculation of the Arbytrary and Tyrannicall Exactious [sic], Taxations, Impositions, Excises, Contributions, Subsidies, Twentieth Parts, and other Assessments, within the Lines of Communication, during the foure yeers of this Unnaturall Warre. What the total summe amounts unto, what hath beene disbursed out of it, and what remaines in Accomptants hands.1647
[London: s.n.] Imprinted in the Yeere, First edition, 4to, [2], 12pp., without the final blank leaf, in this edition, line 3 of title has "arbytrary"; in another edition, line 3 has "arbitrary", disbound. Wing, L2915; Kress, 716; Goldsmith, 940.
Stock #36405