Book Details
EDWARDS (George). The True Original Scheme of Human Economy, applied to the completion of the different interests, and preservation, of the British Empire; or, heads, proposing the establishment of the third, the British Dispensation.1808
Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed for the Author by S. Hodgson, First edition, 8vo (208 x 128 mm), xlii, 136pp., disbound. George Edwards ".... lived for a while in London before settling in Barnard Castle, co. Durham about 1775, where he practised as a physician. He was an untiring propounder of political and social schemes, with a particular enthusiasm for reform of the constitution, of agricultural practice, of tax laws, and of the army. He was much impressed by the effects of 'scientific farming' in Barnard Castle, for example; he favoured the removal of taxes on manufacturing industry (and their replacement with a general income tax) and a reduction of public expenditure. At the same time Edwards was a staunch defender of the powers of the monarchy and opposed the extension of the franchise. In his proposed 'new era', government boards were to superintend all the interests of mankind and everybody was to be actuated by truly Christian principles." - Oxford DNB. Goldsmith, 19560; not in Kress.
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