Book Details
KELSALL (Charles). The Two Last Pleadings of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Verres; Translated, and illustrated with notes,..... To which is added a Postscript, containing remarks on the State of Modern Sicily.1812
London: Printed by T. Bensley, for White, Cochrane, and Co., First edition of this translation, 8vo, 230 x 140mm, half-title, viii, [4], 365, [3]pp., 4 plates (2 folding of antiquities, including 1 large folding, and 2 of Sicily), errata/advert. leaf at end, occasional spotting, original publisher's cloth-backed boards, uncut. Kelsall, author, traveller, eccentric, and neo-classicist par excellence; an avid student of Cicero, his translation of Cicero's prosecution of the notorious Sicilian governor Verres (for the wholesale pillage of temples and cities for statues, gems, etc., to add to his huge collections) is supplemented by a useful sixty-page essay on Sicily in which he offers fresh material, including plates of Enna and Hycarra not found in "Cluver, Mirabella, Arezzo, Houel or Wilkins, for the antiquities, and.... Brydone, and Swinburne, for the description of the modern state of the island." Not in Pine-Coffin; or Moncada.
Stock #35451