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Book Details

[FREDERICK II, KING OF PRUSSIA] SMITH (Captain C. H.) Translator.. Secret Strategical Instructions, of Frederic the Second, for his Inspectors General. Translated from the German, by Captain C. H. Smith.1811

Coventry: Printed for the Author, First English edition, 4to, x, [11]-28pp., with errata slip pasted to terminal leaf, 31 engraved plates containing maps and plans (5 of which are folding), all with some element of hand-colouring, plate 21 with a loose engraved errata overlay, some foxing and light browning, contemporary half calf, marbled boards, slight splitting to upper joint, rubbed at head of spine and corners. In the 'Editor's Preface to the German and French Editions,' Frederick the Great's strategic prowess as displayed in these Instructions is described thus: "Here Frederic [sic] fully displays the art, by which he was so constantly victorious:—the manner of misleading the Enemy respecting the real point of attack—even the art of rapidly passing from the defensive to the offensive state, keeping in view all the chances of success. By these principles, peculiarly his own, he was enabled often to accomplish great actions with small comparative means."

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