Book Details
COURT MARTIAL.. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held in the Orderly Room at the Barracks in Colchester, on seven Officers, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, by order of Lieutenant-General Lord Charles Fitzroy, commanding the Eastern District, on a Charge exhibited against them by Lieutenant-Colonel Dalton, of the same regiment; with their Defence, and Prefatory Observations. Solicitors for the Prisoners, Mr. Sutton, of Colchester.1807
London: Printed by I. Gold, First edition, lacks half-title, xv, [1], 139, [1] pp., recent quarter morocco, marbled boards, spine gilt. The trial of Lieutenants Birch, Bishop, Aitkins, Ramsden, Nicholl, Richardson, and Bath, of the West Kent Regiment of Militia, on a charge preferred against them by Lieutenant-Colonel Dalton of the same regiment. For conducting themselves in a manner prejudicial to good order and military discipline.....[that they].... "systematically and contumaciously absented themselves from the Society of the Field Officers and Captains." They refused to speak to the higher ranks or to mess with them. They were all found guilty and dismissed from His Majesty's Service, although the Court Martial expressed some sympathy towards the younger officers. Not listed by Copac; OCLC finds copies at Harvard, Huntington, Yale and 1 single copy in Australia.
Stock #34283