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Book Details

LEVI (Leone). Consumption of Spirits, Beer, and Wine, in its relation to Licences, Drunkenness, and Crime. A Report to M. T. Bass, Esq., M.P.1872

London, William Ridgway, First edition, 14 + 4pp., of adverts at end, final advert leaf frayed on outer margin, later paper wrappers. Michael Thomas Bass, the Burton-on-Trent brewer and M.P., was concerned with all questions relating to the welfare of the working classes. He requested Prof. Levi to institute a wide and methodical inquiry into the earnings of the working classes throughout the United Kingdom. Levi himself took a lively interest in the working classes and investigated their economic position in several works.****In a calculation made in 1871 it was demonstrated that 'the yearly revenue derived from beer, wines and spirits amounted to about £28,000,000 being more than a third of the whole revenue. Messrs. Bass contributed upwards of £780 a day.'

Stock #33867

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