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Book Details

[CHALMERS (George)] Compiler.. [Three related works bound in one] The Beauties of Fox, North, and Burke, selected from their speeches, from the passing of the Quebec Act, in the year 1774, down to the present time. With a copious index to the whole, and an address to the public. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. Second edition, viii, 92, [12]pp., with a half-title and a final advertisement leaf, engraved portrait frontispiece (lightly offset), early ownership signature of Addis Archer. [Bound with:] ----. The Deformities of Fox and Burke, Faithfully Selected from their Speeches. Together with authentic copies of the addresses presented to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, on the rejection of the East India Bill, introduced by Mr. Fox, and the Dismission of the late Administration from his Majesty's Councils. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1784. First and only edition, viii, 68pp., with half-title, engraved frontispiece (lightly offset). [Bound with:] [PROSPECTUS]. Beauties of Fox, North and Burke, this day is published, price 3s. 6d. Embellished with a beautiful frontispiece...1784

[London:] Printed for J. Stockdale, 8pp., drop-head title, the advertisement is for 'The beauties and deformities of Fox, North, and Burke', first published in the same year. 3 Works bound in one, cont. half, calf, marbled boards, joints cracked. The prospectus is particularly rare with ESTC locating just the National Library of Scotland copy (imperfect) in the UK and 5 copies in North America.

Stock #33101

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