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Book Details

WISE (Edward). The Remarkable Tryal of Thomas Chandler, late of Clifford's Inn, London, Gent. Who was tried and convicted at the Lent Assizes at Reading, 1750, before Mr. Baron Clive, for wilful and corrupt Perjury, in swearing he was robbed of fifteen Bank Notes of the Value of 960l. 5 Guineas in Gold, 20s. and upwards in Silver, and a Silver Watch, on the 24th of March 1747, between Hare-Hatch and Twyford in Berkshire, in the Road to Reading, by Three Men on Foot. To which is added,....An Introductory Account of the Life of the said Mr. Chandler, from the Time of his going Clerk to an Attorney, to the Time of his Conviction,......1751

Reading, Printed and Sold by C. Micklewright; sold also by J. Newbery, First edition, [4], 68pp., title and terminal leaf soiled with a repair in the inner blank margin affecting about 4 letters, addenda leaf after title, recent quarter calf, marbled boards, red morocco title label. Roscoe, A635.

Stock #32793

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