Book Details
SCOTLAND, RESTORATIVE HOMES BILL.. Habitual Drunkards. Documents Relative to Proposed Legislation (limited to Scotland) for Inebriety, caused by Disease, which is curable under proper Treatment, Containing 1. Explanatory Memorandum prefixed to a Bill proposed for the Establishment of Restorative Homes in Scotland for Inebriates. 2. Report of a Meeting of the Legislative Committee of the London British Medical Association upon the Bill—or Legislation upon its lines—with an Abstract of the Clauses of the Bill, March, confirmed by the council 17th April 1889. 3. Report of a full Discussion upon the Bill and the subject generally in the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, February 1889. 4. Resolution of the Society of the Study of Inebriety, October 1889. 5. Resolution of Midland Medical Society, on 16th November 1889.1889
Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 60pp., disbound. Formerly in the library of the Birmingham Medical Institute.
Stock #32219