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Book Details

GANILH (Charles). An Inquiry into the various systems of Political Economy; their Advantages and Disadvantages; and the Theory most favourable to the increase of National Wealth. Translated from the French by D. Boileau, Author of "An Introduction to the Study of Political Economy," &c.1812

London: Printed for Henry Colburn, English and Foreign Public Library, First English edition, [4], 492pp., presentation inscription across the title-page "To the Editor of the [Cultural?] Review", contemporary half calf, spine ruled in gilt, morocco label, a nice copy. Ganilh was one of the most able impugners of the doctrine of Adam Smith respecting productive labour, in his valuable work on the various systems of political economy. He put forward the historical controversies in political economy between Malthus, Buchanan and Ricardo. Kress, B5987; Goldsmith, 20422.

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