Book Details
LEADBETTER (Charles). Mechanick Dialling: or, the New Art of Shadows: freed from many Obscurities, Superfluities and Errors of Former Writers upon this Subject, The whole laid down after so plain a Method that any Person (tho' a Stranger to the Art) with a Pair of Compasses and Common Ruler only, may make a Dial upon any Plane for any Place in the World, as well as those who have attained to the greatest Knowledge and Perfection in Mathematicks. Illustrated with many Copper Plates, and examples of Dials for London, Exeter, Bristol, Worcester, Bristol, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Lincoln, Chester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Durham, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. To which are added, 1. A Choice of Mottos in Latin and English. 2. A New and Correct Alphabetical Table of the most eminent Cities, Towns, in the whole World; shewing the Elevation of the Pole, and the Difference of their Meridian from London. 3. The bart and most approved Methods of Painting Sun Dials.1737
London: Printed for Edward Wicksteed at the Black Swan in Newgate-Street, First edition, 8vo, xvi, 22, 17-193, [1] pp., 12 folding engraved plates, illustrations in the text, a few leaves slightly soiled, minor water-stain to upper outer corner of first few leaves, contemporary calf, corners rubbed, spine ruled in gilt, morocco label. Charles Leadbetter, writer on astronomy and practical mathematics, was born on 26 September 1681 in the village of Cronton, Lancashire. An early interest in practical astronomy is presumed from his Mechanick Dialling (1737), which includes a vertical sundial for a wall facing exactly 21°10' west of south, for the latitude of Cronton. Wallis, British Mathematic, 717LEA37.
Stock #31019