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Book Details

JARVIS (Thomas). The Farmer's Harvest Companion, and County Gentleman's Assistant; containing Exact and useful Tables ready cast up; shewing at one View, the Area or Content of any Piece of Land; the Expence of Workmanship of any Quantity; and the Value of any Number of Perches per Acre. Being a necessary Guide for Gentlemen's Stewards, Land Measurers, Buyers and Sellers of Wood; and particularly useful for Farmers in the Time of Harvest, and other Person, who put out Work, by the Acre. With sundry New Tables, by an Experienced Farmer, in the County of Kent Shewing the Expence of Threshing; the Value of Workmanship by the Hundred; the sowing Corn in Drills or Furrows, and ascertaining the Quantity of Seed per Acre.1790

Canterbury: Printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby. Also by Booksellers in Town and Country, Fifth Edition, carefully corrected and enlarged, 12mo, viii, 160 pp., contemporary sheep, ink stain on lower cover, but a very nice copy. Four editions in the ESTC, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th editions locating only 6 copies in all. Of the 5th edition offered here the British Library copy only.

Stock #30919

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