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Book Details

[DALRYMPLE (Sir David)], Editor.. An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, drawn up by Himself. To which are added, His Letters to several persons. [An Account of His Majesty's escape from Worcester, dictated to Mr. Pepys by the King himself].1766

Glasgow: Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis, and sold by John Balfour bookseller in Edinburgh, First Glasgow Edition, 8vo, viii, 190 pp., some light browning at the beginning, contemporary green morocco, spine ruled in gilt, crimson label, a nice copy. Printed from a manuscript in the Pepysian Collection, Magdalen College, Cambridge. The preface is signed by the editor, the jurist and historian Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes. Gaskell, 449.

Stock #30909

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