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Book Details

ROOKE (Hayman). Description of an Ancient Medallion, in the Possession of H. Rooke, Esq.1800

Nottingham: Printed by Samuel Tupman, First Edition, 8vo (220 x 135 mm), 7, [1]pp., engraved plate showing both sides of the medallion, nineteenth century half morocco, lettered in gilt on spine, a nice copy. The brass medallion was found by some labourers who were working near Newstead Priory. It shows on one side the head of St. Paul, and on the other an inscription taken out of Psalm 68, verse 27 and 28. It was probably struck for some particular occasion, such as the dedication of a church. It is known that Henry II founded Newstead Priory for Canons of the Augustine order, to whom he gave the town and church of Papplewick. The family of Byron, which has given Newstead undying fame, became associated with it at the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII, when the church and priory of Newstead were added to their possessions by royal grant. This was in 1540, and part of the abbey was converted into a castellated house, and the south isle of the church was incorporated in the apartments. Lord Byron, the poet, inherited the estate in 1798, and later said of it "Newstead and I stand and fall together. I have now lived on the spot, I have fixed my heart upon it,....".

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