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Book Details

HOLDEN (William C.). History of the Colony of Natal, South Africa. To which is added an Appendix, containing a brief History of the Orange River Sovereignty and of the various races inhabiting it, the Great Lake N'gami, Commandoes of the Dutch Boars, &c. &c. By the Rev. William C. Holden, upwards of fifteen years a resident in the Colony.1855

London: Alexander Heylin. Graham's Town: Godlonton, White & Co. Cape Town A. S. Robinson. Natal: J. Cullingworth, D'Urban; J. Archibald, Pietermaritzburg, First edition, 8vo (218 x 140 mm), viii, 463, [1] pp., tinted lithographic frontispiece and 3 tinted lithograph plates (2 browned on blank margins), lacks plate on p331 (as usual), folding chart of Port Natal, 3 folding maps, 6 engraved plates, illustrations in the text, occasional foxing, a couple of gathers standing proud, original brown cloth, slightly worn at head and tail of spine, gilt lettering on spine. At the time this work was published the Colony had only been recognised as a British dependency for ten years, and its natural advantages, such as the harbour of D'Urban being safer than that of Table Bay, led the author to be optimistic about its future. The "early settlers came on the scene about three years after the total devastation of the country by the Zulu king, Chaka..... The settlement of the Dutch in the colony, and the eventual occupation of it by the British are carefully gone into,..... A good description is given of the gradual establishment of civil government, and of the progress of the Colony, with notes on the towns, villages, and other settlements, and the Kaffir War,....".—Mendelssohn. Mendelssohon, 1, pp.724-5.

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