Book Details
MARRIOTTE (Edmé). A Treatise of the Motion of Water, and other fluids: with the origin of Fountains or Springs, and the Cause of Winds Written originally in French..... and translated into English, with several annotations for explaining the doubtful places, by J. T. Desaguliers.1718
London: for J. Senex and W. Taylor, First English edition, 8vo (198 x 124 mm), xiii, [1], 290pp., without the final advertisement leaf, small blind stamp on title, woodcut initials, typographical headpieces, 7 engraved folding plates, cont. calf, head of spine lightly chipped, upper joint just starting otherwise a nice copy. Mariotte's treatise, "Traité du mouvement des eaux.", Paris, 1686, which "attracted widespread attention was the only one of his major works to be translated into English. Although eventually superseded in its theoretical portions by Daniel Bernoulli's "Hydrodynamica" (1738), it remained a standard practical guide to the construction of fountains for sometime thereafter." - D.S.B. Provenance: With the blind stamp of the Earls of Macclesfield and the South Library bookplate (1860) and library press marks. Norman, 1441; D.S.B., 1X, pp.114-22; Roberts and Trent, Bibliotheca Mechanica, p.217.
Stock #30636