Book Details
[LANGLOIS (François, Fancan Canon St. Honore)]. The Favovrites Chronicle.1621
[London] Printed according to the French Copie. First Edition in English, small 4to, typographical device on title, title recto [A], verso blank, [2], 41, [1] pp., modern half calf, a good copy. "The political satire against the Duc des Luynes, according to Barbier, was the cause of the author's imprisonment in the Bastille where he died. The bibliography of the early French editions, as in the case of the more celebrated Menippean satire, does not appear to have been studied so that it would be difficult to say with just what celerity it was translated and published in English. However, the fact that it was translated is not necessarily an indication of the concern of Jacobean England with the internal affairs of France. Although this translation may have been in part intended as a commentary upon Buckingham and other 'favourites' of the King's Council, it was probably published principally because of its intrinsic wit and vigor." - Pforzheimer Library. S.T.C. 15203; Hazlitt 11, 123; Huntington C.L., 511; Pforzheimer, 578.
Stock #30634