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Book Details

[LEE (Dr. John)]. Oriental Manuscripts Purchased in Turkey.1831

[Printed by R. Watts, First edition, 4to, [2],22pp., loosely inserted on a scrap of paper is Dr. Lee's presentation inscription, Sir Thomas has added in ink at the head of the title page "Sir Thomas Phillipps 1831, presented to him by Dr. John Lee, Professor of Arabic at Cambridge", caption title, imprint and date taken from colophon, orig. paper wrappers, upper wrapper having the title added in manuscript by Sir Thomas. A catalogue of 116 Oriental manuscripts from the collection of John Lee of Hartwell House, 1783-1866. "The principal part of the books described in this catalogue was purchased at Aleppo and Damascus, in the years 1811 and 1812, many of them by the assistance and recommendation of the late Mr. J. L. Burckhardt. The rest was procured at Cairo or Constantinople."—Introduction.

Stock #28097

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