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Book Details

[DALZEL (Andrew)]. A Short Genealogy of the Family of Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale.1785

Edinburgh: [Privately Printed], Small oblong 4to, 24pp., some light staining, orig. marbled paper boards. An extremely rare family history which Martin, Privately Printed Books, p 99, remarks "The following note is written at the beginning of the copy, which belonged to the late Mr. Archibald Constable:- "This account of the Lauderdale family was drawn up, as I have been informed, by the late Professor Dalzel, who was preceptor of James Earl of Lauderdale. It was only printed for use of the family, and is extremely rarely met with. A.C. June, 1821."". ESTC and Copac locating the British Library copy only.

Stock #27693

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