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Book Details

[HEATH (Charles)]. Monmouthshire. Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Ancient and Present State of Ragland Castle: Containing the Names, Size, and Appropriation, of the Different Apartments, when in their Splendor: List of the Household, and Method of Living, when Inhabited: Also, the Whole of the Correspondence which passed between the Marquis of Worcester, Proprietor and Occupier of the Castle; and Sir Thomas Fairfax, Knt. General of the Parliament Army, who Besieged it: with the Articles of Capitulation, on which it Surrendered... To which is added, by way of preface, Brief Notices of Wonastow, Tree-Owen, Dingatstow, and other objects in the road to Ragland. Collected from Original Papers and Unquestionable Authorities, by Charles Heath, Printer, Monmouth.1797

Printed and Sold by Him, in the Market Place, [Monmouth]. [iv],21,[17],107,[1]pp., irregular pagination but complete, title and final leaf a little dusty, new endpapers, recent half calf. Rees, Libri Walliae. 2386.

Stock #26623

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