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Book Details

LE ROUX DE LINCY (Antoine J. V.). Recherches sur Jean Grolier sur vie et sa Bibliothèque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont Appartenu.1866

Paris: L. Potier, First edition, large 8vo (232 x 155 mm), xlix, [iii], 491, [1]pp., DE-LUXE WITH FIVE ADDITIONAL CHROMOLITHOGRAPH PLATES, 1 engraved folding plate, half morocco, marbled sides, uncut, t.e.g. First edition of the classic monograph on Grolier's life and his library. Provenance: Andrea Bocca (bookplate); Bernard H. Breslauer reference library. Breslauer, The uses of Bookbinding Literature, p.16. "The first classic of bookbinding literature".

Stock #23744

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