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Book Details

CAMPBELL (M. F. A. G.). Annales de la Typographie Néerlandaise au XVe Siècle. [Bound with:] Supplements 1-4.1874

The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, First Edition, 5 vols., in one, xii, [vi], 629, [1]; 30; viii, 44; iv,29; vi, 5pp., half morocco. [Sold with:] KRONENBERG (M.E.) Campbell's Annales de la Typographie Néerlandaise au XVe Siècle: Contributions to a New Edition. 1956. 4to, orig. cloth. The first part of this work contains the titles of incunabula in alphabetical order; the second part consists of an alphabetical table of Dutch typographers, with a list of the works issued from their presses. From the library of Bernard H. Breslauer.

Stock #23636

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