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Book Details

[MARSHALL (Robert G.)]. Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in Italy and of Books in Italian Printed Abroad 1501-1600. Held in Selected North American Libraries.1970

 3 Vols., small 4to, x,679; [ii],662; [iv],613pp., orig. cloth. "This Short-Title Catalog was compiled to provide students and scholars with a reference work of books Printed in Italy and Italian books printed abroad during the sixteenth century [1501-1600]. It was decided that this catalog should follow the general format of the British Museum Short-Title Catalogue of Italian Books, 1465-1600. Each contributing library checked its holdings of Italian 16th century books against the BM-STC. Like the BM-STC, this book is an author catalog, with a publisher and printer index." — Preface. There are approximately 12,000 books cited, making this one of the most comprehensive catalogues on the subject.

Stock #22115

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