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Book Details

HUNTINGDON PAPERS.. (The Archives of the Noble Family of Hastings).1926

Maggs Bros. 5 Parts, 4to, coloured plate of the Armorial Bearings of the Earls of Huntingdon, 5 frontispieces, 90 plates, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. The five parts comprise: I—A selection from The Charters and Royal Grants from A.D. 1101 to 1688. Frontis., 11 plates. II—A selection from The Historical Correspondence between the year A.D. 1513 and A.D. 1603. (King Henry VIII to the death of Queen Elizabeth). Frontis., 11 plates. III—Correspondence during the Reign of King James I. A.D. 1603 to 1625. Frontis., 5 plates. IV—America. The Island Voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1597. Sir Walter Raleigh's Expedition to Guiana, 1618. The Colonization of Virginia, 1610-1925. Lands in East Florida, 1767-8. American War for Independence, 1776. Frontis., 15 plates. V—From the Accession of Charles I to the flight of James II (Including a remarkable series of Letters dealing with Civil War). Frontis., 24 plates. The collection was acquired by the Huntington Library of California, together with most of the catalogues, hence these catalogues are very seldom found on the market.

Stock #19934

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