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Book Details

ELZEVIER (Daniel, 1626-1680). Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliopolio Danielis Elsevirii venales extant.1674

Amsterdam: Ex Officinâ Elseviriana, 12mo (131 x 73 mm), 7 parts in one, 176; 86; 60; 200, [2, blank]; 120; 24; 103, [5, blank]pp., first part with general title, printer's woodcut device to title expertly replaced, all leaves neatly ruled in a contemporary brown ink, text very clean and bright, bound in a blue morocco, floral border to both boards, spine with five raised bands, exquisite gold tooling to compartments, gilt turn ins, al edges gilt, a very fine binding which resembles bindings from the Samblanx bindery, but is not signed. The most important bookseller's catalogue of the seventeenth century, listing about 20,000 books from the stock of Daniel Elzevier. Divided into seven parts over the following subjects: theology, law, medicine, miscellaneous subjects and books in the French, Italian, Spanish, English and German languages. "No prices were given but these were presumably quoted in request. Included are, of course,the books published by the Elzeviers still in print, and a vast number of other books printed in Holland, and the catalogue is therefore still of bibliographical value. It also served contemporary scholars as a work of reference and may be considered a select universal bibliography."—Breslauer & Folter. Willems, 15; Rahir, 8; Berghman, 2004; Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 196; Breslauer & Folter, 68; Pollard & Ehrman, 69.

Stock #41219

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