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Book Details

LAW. STEVENS AND SONS.. A Catalogue of Law Books, Ancient and Modern, Corrected to November, 1824. Arranged to enable the students to select at one view, such works as may treat on the subject of his particular study. [Bound with:] A Supplement to the Catalogue of Law Books, Published in 1822.1825

London: Printed for R. Stevens and Sons, Law Booksellers and Publishers, 12mo (158 x 95 mm), 2 parts on one, xvi, 186 (without half-title); 18pp., bound in nineteenth-century red cloth by Fazakerley Bindery, Liverpool. Provenance: Presentation inscription on title, stamp of the private Athenaeum Library, Liverpool on the title and with deaccessioned stamp on front paste-down. Not found on JISC.

Stock #40536

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