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Book Details

FRY (Edmund). Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter Founder to The King, Type Street.1824

London, Royal 8vo (248 x 158 mm), title, advertisement (in Great Primer Script, cut by Didot, signed "Polyglot Foundry"), [128] leaves (most printed on one side only, two leaves folding), title printed within an ornamental border, title vignette of the Royal Arms, original patterned boards, backstrip broken and detached, all preserved in a green morocco-backed slipcase. This copy varies considerably in arrangement with the Berry & Johnson description. It contains 15 more leaves including an 8-leaf section (printed on both sides) headed "New Specimens of Flowers" as with the British Library copy. Several instances have been reported where the date 1824 was changed in ink to 1827 or 1828, but this copy clearly reads 1826. As paper size and quality vary throughout of the volume, it is probable that sheets were kept on hand and bound up in various ways as needed with dates changed for accuracy. This copy also contains several specimens signed "Edmund Fry and Son" where the "and Son" has been crossed out: "Fry and Son" issued specimens in 1820 and 1823. It is probable that all the "1824" specimens are unique unto themselves. Beery & Jonhson, p. 49-50; Mosley, 137.

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