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Book Details

FOURNIER (Pierre-Simon, Fournier le Jeune). Traités Historiques et Critiques, sur l'Origine et les Progrès de l'Imprimerie. [Five works in one]. Dissertation sur l'origine et les progres de l'art de graver en bois (1758); De l'origine et des productions de l'imprimerie primitive en taille de bois (1759); Observations sur un ouvrage intitule Vindiciae Typographicae (1760); Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule Lettre sur l'origine de l'imprimerie (1761); Lettre a M. Freron, au sujet de l'Edition d'une Bible annoncee pour etre la premiere production de l'Imprimerie.1764

Paris: De l'Imprimerie de J. Barbou, 8vo (179 x 115 mm), 5 works in one, [4], 92, [4]; 263, [1]; 62; 84; 14pp., with additional collective title page and table of contents, engraved portrait of Fournier, marbled endpapers, contemporary smooth calf, joints slightly cracked, spine tooled in gilt with a red morocco label lettered in gilt, lightly rubbed but a nice tight copy. Collective, second issue of the sheets of the first editions of four works by Fournier on the origins of typography. They originally appeared in 1758-61, to which Barbou has added for this collection a brief new tract by Fournier, Lettre a M. Freron... The publisher has also supplied a collective title and a table of contents. Provenance: Bookplate of 'Cte. L. de B.' with device "Cunctis nota fides", i.e. Comte Léon de Bastard d'Estang. (1822-1861); red morocco booklabel of Eduardo J. Bullrich (1895-1951); bookplate of Major J. R. Abbey (1894-1969). Bigmore & Wyman, I, 228; Updike I, p. 253.

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