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Book Details

OAKLAWN STUD.. Oaklawn Stud of Percheron Horses Imported and Bred by M. W. Dunham, Wayne, Du Page Co., Illinois, thirty-five miles west of Chicago, on the Galena division of the Chicago & north-western railway.1885

Chicago: Shepard & Johnston, 8vo, 96pp., illustrated throughout, orig. pictorial wrappers, a very nice copy. "In presenting my annual catalogue of stock at Oaklawn for 1885, I have the pleasure of knowing that it possesses attractions never before offered in any stock catalogue. It contains descriptions and pedigrees of four hundred imported animals of the finest breeding and highest physical qualities, all recorded with their pedigrees in the Percheron Stud-Book of France, and also a list of nearly two thousand pure bred animals imported by me since 1872. Of the horses imported this year many were prize winners in France, several of them being of such superior quality that they attracted the attention of the famous artist, Rosa Bonheur, and were sent to her chateau to be sketched as models for a future picture."—Introduction.

Stock #41006

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